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Junior/Senior High Choral Festival
We are still looking for a chairman to make this event happen as well as a site. Please reach out if you are able to chair this event. 

The festival encompasses all the middle school, junior high, and high schools in Yuma County and surrounding areas, and is scheduled during the school day from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

Choirs are limited to 10-15 minutes of performance time and a maximum of 2 numbers. (Because of the number of choirs entered in recent years, 2 is encouraged!) Directors must provide their own accompanist. A CD player will be provided for those with recorded accompaniments. Please have each song cued and ready to go. A cappella singing is encouraged, but not required.

Our fees are $75.00 for each choir. Any director who is not a member of YCMEA is charged an additional $25.00. Check in time is 30 minutes before your scheduled performance time. If you are late, you will not be able to perform. Directors need to bring three copies of each piece they are performing so the judges can adequately score your group.

The festival will be a great opportunity for everyone to come and hear what we’re all doing and we hope to see YOU and your choirs there!


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